20 Unique Reels and TikTok Ideas You Can Do Right Now

20 Unique Reels and TikTok Ideas You Can Do Right Now

Coming up with a unique and interesting reel or TikTok idea can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re not natural in front of the camera. In this guide, we’ve curated and compiled 20 unique reels and TikTok ideas that you can film with your phone right now.

These ideas are most suitable for indirectly promoting your business.

Table of Contents

1. Clear a misconception

This video idea is usually known as myth-busting. In this video, you’ve to pick a misconception that’s either trending or common in your industry and share the truth.

For example, if you’re a YouTube creator, you can make a TikTok or IG reel on the following topic:

Posting at a certain time will land you in the trending videos on YouTube.

We recommend targeting a query or misconception that’s very much talked about. It will not only engage your existing audience. But it will also bring you some new attention. You might acquire new followers or customers.

Plus, whoever views this reel or TikTok will see you as an industry authority.

2. Dos and Don’ts of X

Whether you’re a content creator, a founder, a business owner, or a manager, you can use this reel idea to establish yourself as an expert in your respective niche. Tell your industry fellows about what they should do and what they shouldn’t if they are in the same industry as you.

You can also use this idea to talk about a certain task. Example: Basic dos and don’ts of filming a TikTok video. 

3. Best Place to Buy X

This is your opportunity to steal attention. There may be several well-established brands in your industry or relevant to your industry. Use their strong authority to get some limelight.

You can do so by recommending them to your audience. For example, if you’re a video creator, you can recommend the best places to buy a camera or a tripod. If you bought your tripod from Walmart and it works great, recommend it! You can even recommend the shops and stores to avoid.

For filming this video, you can either go to the physical location of the store or record your screen with their websites. Do not forget to tag their accounts.

4. Tools to make your job easier

Be it an online job or a physical job. If you’re working, you must be using a few tools; digital or physical. Recommend your favorite tools to do what you do.

It’s best to number these tools. Opt for a title that goes like Top 3 tools to make team management easier. 

5. Digital Nomad Lifestyle – Your lens

We’ve included this one in our list of 20 unique reels and TikTok ideas because of its popularity. There are over 35 million digital nomads globally. The count is expected to grow significantly over the next few years.

There’s a huge amount of people who are considering it and exploring the concept. A lot of people are fascinated by the on-the-go lifestyle.

So, it’s a good idea to get some attention by filming around the subject. If you do not live a digital nomad lifestyle, you can do a video about how you imagine your nomad self to be. Or you can share your opinions about the viability of this lifestyle.

6. The Story of Your Brand Name

Everyone in the business industry struggles to come up with a unique, catchy name. If you’ve got one, share the story of how you came up with it. You can also take a step ahead and explain how good of a choice it was.

This unique reel idea demands a bit of work. Make sure you talk in an engaging and exciting manner and keep it short.

7. Your Productivity Struggles

Everyone struggles with productivity and seeks validation online. They want to know they are not the only ones struggling. They’d like to see others struggling in the same regard. So, share your productivity struggles now and then.

It will clear out their feelings of self-doubt and keep them from feeling like a lonesome failure. It will keep them from feeling like it’s only they who cannot achieve their goals.

When you provide them with this validation, they’ll develop a liking towards you and your videos. They’ll follow you for more.

8. Mistakes You’ve Made

People love to learn from lived examples. So, share about your lowest times in an engaging manner.

Here are some tips to make your IG reel or TikTok video even more interesting:

  • Admit a financial blunder
  • Do a dialogue with your older self
  • Have team members recall your social blunders and their internal feelings

Since this video idea is about you, you can be as bold about your choices as you wish to be.

Why shop from small businesses?

This unique reel idea is for a good cause. Whatever your industry, support other small businesses and names. Encourage your audience to buy from them.

Remember, you should not recommend your competitors. Instead, recommend businesses that relate to you or are operating in a shoulder niche. For example, if you’re a TikToker and advertise for businesses online, you could recommend a copywriter or a SaaS tool to make digital work easier.

10. Transition Video – Old to New

Although this is not a very unique reel and TikTok idea, we encourage you to do one to get more followers. Plus, tap into your creativity to make the video unique.

Let us give you an example of how you can do so.

At editvideo.io, we help our clients with 1:1 consultation that helps them improve their video ideas as well as the final outlook of the video. Since we do that, we can film a super interesting TikTok that shows a glimpse of the client’s old work and transition it to the new approach.

Apply the same to your work and projects!

11. Thank your customers individually

In only one Google search for unique reels and TikTok ideas, you’ll learn several experienced video creators out there who recommend thanking your customers. It’s because it makes your audience feel special.

We encourage you to take this idea to a new height. Note the followers which support you quite too often, your regular customers, or random people online who go the extra mile to support your business. Give them a shout-out in your IG reel or TikTok.

Those you name will be delighted. And the ones watching will take notes on how to win your attention!

12. Perform a Science Experiment

Who hasn’t struggled with science projects?

A lot many people have, and a lot many people still do – thanks to their children. Use this common dilemma in the culture to market your business. Film some super interesting (but doable and easy!) science experiments.

Some people will save your TikTok or reel to show it to their kids, while some will share it with old friends to remind them of some memories. Make sure you take a fun edge for it instead of a serious one.

13. Share an Interesting Event of Childhood

Your audience, your customers, your team, and even your competitors, have their eyes on you. Believe it or not, they want to know what got you where you are or what keeps you so motivated.

It is a common thing most leaders face. The good news is you can use it to market your business. Share more about yourself with a bit of vulnerability.

If not a key moment from childhood, go for an event that taught you a lesson or shaped an aspect of you. Try to conclude the video with a lesson or key takeaway.

You can engage your viewers by asking them to share a similar experience. You’ll be surprised to see how many people pour themselves out. We do not encourage aiming for sensitive subjects.

14. Meet and Greet Team

Film a short introduction of all your team members and adjust the clips together to make a meet-and-greet team IG reel or TikTok. If your team is comfortable on camera, you can also do a short skit and fun intro like that of Brooklyn 99 or The Office.

15. Share a Soothingly Green View

Nature never lets us down, even when it comes to getting likes and attention on social media. Videos featuring natural, scenic views often end up in trending videos.

So, film a park or your garden early in the morning or when the sun is setting. Pair it with calming, soothing music. And share it on your Instagram or TikTok account! You can even create a compilation of such clips and share them on your YouTube channel.

16. Step-by-step: How to start a business?

How-tos are the most common and popular form of browsed content in the digital world. Be it in terms of blogs or videos.

You can do a short video on how to start a business similar to yours. It’s not advisable to go for a generic business guide. People can find it on Google. Instead, personalize the guide with your experience and tips.

17. Step-by-step: How to run a business?

Share your current struggles with your audience. Narrow down your tips to team management, money management, skill management, and personal development. Talk about how you pitch to investors to scale your business and what are the struggles you face.

If you’re comfortable, you can also share the amount of money you make per month or year. Transparency about money has brought a lot of attention to many startups and brands in 2022.

18. Share your roadmap

If you have a SaaS tool, website, online platform, or any sort of subscription-based product, there’s a high chance your current customers want to see how the value for their money will increase over time. They want to know what more they will get for the same money in the coming days.

If you give them this information, they might instantly convert. For that very reason, we recommend sharing your roadmap openly with your audience.

19. The view of your workspace

Instagram videos about cool setups and workspaces are common. But very few of them are close to reality.

We recommend sharing the actual view you get from your workspace. Be it of a wall, a window, your living room, or your garden. Share the real side of the story and win hearts!

20. Ask for your audience’s favorite music

Similar to childhood experience, this reel idea is also an excellent way of engaging your audience. People want to showcase their likes and interests. They want to be heard and validated.

You can do so by asking them about the music they vibe with. It will not only help you multiply your engagement by 10x, but it will also help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

End Note

Now that you have your list of 20 unique reels and TikTok ideas, we hope you don’t find yourself staring at the wall, thinking about what your next TikTok will look like. We hope you have a fun and rewarding time bringing each idea to life. Good luck!

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