How to make YouTube Videos using ChatGPT

Who knew ChatGPT would reduce half of your work stress for content creation? It has taken social media by storm in the past few months. A spectacular innovation from Open AI that not only answers your real-time queries but also is your great assistance in seamless content creation. 

Take Youtube videos for example. You must brainstorm a catchy title, flawless thumbnail, and a perceivable video description. All this consumes a lot of time and ChatGPT clearly understands this hustle.

So how to make Youtube videos using ChatGPT in less time? Don’t know yet? Worry not since we are going to break down the process for you in simple steps in this walkthrough! 

Table of Contents

How to use ChatGPT?

The answer is simple! All you need to do is sign up (if you don’t have an account yet) or login (if you already have an account) for ChatGPT.

In case you’re using it for the first time, we also recommend reading through its onboarding pop-ups. It’ll give a lead about navigating the tool.  

Now, let’s see what it takes for ChatGPT to make quick and easy videos for you!

How to use ChatGPT to make Youtube videos?

Follow these steps to make Youtube videos in bulk using the ultimate ChatGPT – all the PROMPTS included! 😉

Step 1: Use ChatGPT to generate ideas for Youtube videos

The first thing you need to produce a Youtube video is an idea. Sometimes your brain runs out of its creative juices and you struggle with finding an appropriate idea to start working on. However, you can tackle this with ChatGPT. 

You need to give a suitable prompt to ChatGPT regarding the video concept you want to generate an idea for. It can be traveling or business. Or a specific cuisine or city that you want to produce a Youtube video around.

There’s no limit to the genres GPT can handle.

Note: Skip this step if you have an idea already!

Step 2: Use ChatGPT to write titles for Youtube videos

Titles describe your videos and tell the audience what your video holds in it for them. So you must be focused while dealing with a Youtube video title. It should convey proper sense to your audience plus it should grab their attention at the same time. 

Here, check out a perfect example of a ChatGPT prompt to produce a Youtube video title.


Let’s face this, AI is going to rule the future, but one thing that rules AI is the prompts. You must learn how to give appropriate prompts to AI tools so that you can get the best possible outcomes. 

The same applies to ChatGPT. You can also see in the attached screenshots what the prompts look like and what is the output based on them. Make sure your prompts are clear, and descriptive and contain all the keywords for ChatGPT that you want your title to have. 

If you fail to provide clear instructions, ChatGPT will not be able to produce your desired titles at all. Save yourself from this mess and be as specific as you can be to let the tool do its magic for you in an effortless way. 

Step 3: Use ChatGPT to get thumbnail ideas for Youtube videos

When it comes to how to make Youtube videos using ChatGPT, thumbnails are important. Thumbnails are the first thing that will hook your audience. So these need to be irresistible for each Youtube video.

How do you create such thumbnails then? Use ChatGPT for this job. You can rely on ChatGPT to produce thumbnail ideas for Youtube videos in bulk without even sweating. 

You got the idea, what now?

Once ChatGPT has generated thumbnail ideas, you can use other tools like Movie Maker and Mini Tool to bring that idea into reality. Just insert these ideas into them and have your thumbnails ready with a few taps! 

Thumbnail fonts also are a contributing factor that improves their appearance on Youtube feeds. You can choose from the best fonts for Youtube thumbnails to stand them apart from your competition. 

Step 4: Use ChatGPT to write scripts for Youtube videos

A script can leave a huge impact on your Youtube audience. Sometimes due to a lack of focus and creativity, you get short on engaging words. For this reason, your audience might find it uninteresting and exit your Youtube videos at any moment. 

So bear in mind whenever you are researching how to use ChatGPT to make YT videos, scripts are never to be ignored!

You can see how we used ChatGPT to generate a script for a Youtube video in the screenshot below. No wonder why ChatGPT is a reliable AI assistant for quick and easy videos and generating video scripts in bulk. 

Step 5: Use ChatGPT to write descriptions for Youtube videos

If you are a Youtuber, you would be well aware of the significance of descriptions in YouTube videos. Descriptions are a key factor that helps in boosting chances for your videos to rank on Youtube. Did you ever imagine how you can use ChatGPT for optimized Youtube descriptions?

If not, then here’s how you can turn your imagination into reality and witness ChatGPT generating your Youtube descriptions along with relevant primary keywords along with LSIs. 

The concept of how to make Youtube videos using ChatGPT is new to several creators. But luckily, not for you!

chatGPT writes video description

Step 6: Use ChatGPT to write subtitles for Youtube videos

Subtitles help your diversified audience understand what you are talking about in the videos. Youtube’s auto-generated subtitles are good enough. However, they don’t support proper punctuation at all.

Now, this can confuse your audience since subtitles can seem messy to completely perceive. Being a Youtube creator, you must make sure that your audience finds your videos easy to understand and relates to your script on a deeper level. For this, subtitles are your go-to option. 

Simply use ChatGPT to enhance and punctuate your subtitles for the sake of ease for your audience. Not only this, a Youtuber can use different ways to make Youtube videos more engaging so that they can fasten their growth on the platform and enjoy all its perks! 

Now you see how to use ChatGPT to make YT videos is a “smooth sail”. Just adhere to the aforementioned steps and you would be unstoppable on Youtube in the upcoming months! 

Youtube is your best friend when it comes to learning about how to use ChatGPT to make YT videos in detail. Have a look at these detailed Youtube tutorials on the topic under discussion! knows how to handle your videos without losing the human touch!

Now that your video is ready. It just lacks one thing – professionally mapped-out editing skills. would like to draw your attention to our special $295/month plan in which you order 4 videos for editing and get them all prepared for uploading on Youtube! 

End Note

For Youtube videos, we all know how hectic it can get at times. ChatGPT makes you able to deal with bulk video creation and speeds up the process. From titles to descriptions, and even thumbnail ideas! ChatGPT has got you covered. In case you have not trusted ChatGPT for creating Youtube videos, it’s high time to go easy on yourself and assign this laborious task to ChatGPT. keeps pace with evolving technologies. We believe relying on AI like ChatGPT can benefit us and our clients simultaneously. Our expert video editors know the art of implementing ChatGPT for your videos to upgrade their performance on platforms like Youtube. Are you still thinking to use ChatGPT to make your Youtube videos? There’s no further need for this, consult us by booking a call with right now!


Can I use AI to generate an entire video?

Absolutely! There are tons of AI video-generating tools that can do the job. These videos are engaging and have the ability to create relevancy with your audience. For instance, one AI video tool is Steve AI, which helps you with live and animated videos for your social media. 

What are the focus areas of ChatGPT?

ChatGPT has been originated from Open AI which is a language model. Users can have human-like conversations with it by commanding it through prompts. It focuses on everything that you can imagine. From content ideas to answering your queries, rectifying code, and much more. 

Is ChatGPT free to use?

Yes, ChatGPT is free! However, recently Open AI has launched its latest version which is only available for pro-ChatGPT users. You can rely on ChatGPT’s paid plans as well.

Can I download ChatGPT?

There’s no need for it since you can use ChatGPT on the web easily.

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