How To Optimize Your Videos For Social Media: A Guide For Small Business Owners

How To Optimize Your Videos For Social Media- A Guide For Small Business Owners

Are you a small business looking to leverage optimized videos for social media? Well, this needs your attention and here we can help you with this. Small businesses like yours need to focus on a budget-oriented and impactful video production approach.

It might take time but you can implement some time-saving tips for effective video optimization to improve your social media presence. Video production for a small business needs tools like Filmora’s Wondershare or Openshot. 

You can find free and paid ones. However, if you rely on free editing software all the time, it will become a struggle. You can avoid this mess by simply creating videos on platforms like Tiktok where you can increase your brand’s voice. 

The video creation is fun, straightforward, and free on such platforms. Don’t forget that today social media cannot survive without video content. Optimized videos in particular are a great assist when it comes to drawing the attention of the masses towards your brand. 

Now, to excel in this race, you need to be strategic in terms of video production. Being a brand, you must know that every social media platform has its own outline of restrictions. So you must follow it. Craft videos as per the rules to succeed. 

Here you might be thinking, how to optimize social media videos? The answer lies ahead in this detailed guide for you!

Table of Contents

Benefits of Videos for Small Businesses

If you are a small business, then videos are not something to ignore. These days, almost every other brand is trying to produce unique, unmatchable, and convincing videos to beat its competitors. 

Can you believe that almost 65%-75% of the whole social media traffic predicates video content? So if you have not considered using videos in your marketing strategy still then it’s your sign to start doing so.

Speaking of that, we are giving you some enticing benefits of using videos for a small business: 

1. Videos Are Good Representations

Digital brands need to develop a deep humanized relationship with their audience. For this, there is nothing better than videos. These directly interact with your audience. Bring your brand’s message to them in a relatable way. Thus, being an accurate representation of your brand by all means. 

2. Videos Offer Decent SEO

Bear in mind that videos are easy to optimize. It means there are more chances to rank a video on Google than textual content. Stats show that on average, 62% of the total user searches on Google are only videos. So you see, even Google can’t resist video content. 

3. Videos Help Improve CTR

The purpose of the videos is to make people click on them or any links that you have left with them. With videos, you make sure that almost 41% of the users are going to click on a video. It can also lead them to purchase from you thus increasing the conversions. 

For irresistible social media videos, you need to have the best video editing services. So that your videos can enhance your brand’s purpose while naturally interacting with your target audience. 

Success Stories

No matter what the magnitude of your brand, you can still learn and get inspired by others. So here we are discussing business video marketing examples to give you an idea about how optimized videos contribute to your success. 

1. Buzzfeed’s Tasty

Buzzfeed’s Tasty is a well-known brand that understands the significance of a good social media video. The brand used to leverage short videos during the past couple of years. 

However, these short videos included some extensive highlights or moments for the audience’s curiosity. As the years passed, the brand succeeded in producing a hallmark for itself through such videos.

The success of Buzzfeed’s experiment shows that you can also be consistent with what’s working for your brand.

2. Moz

Moz is an accepted B2B brand. A software brand that does business with multiple enterprises worldwide. In case you are wondering why we are discussing MOZ, it’s because they know how to use videos for their own benefit. 

The success story of MOZ, tells us that educational videos have the potential to sell your products and services. If you know how to leverage them, such videos skyrocket your dealings and sales at the same time. Another lesson is consistency. 

You want to update your audience through videos. A strategic approach along with fun videos is all a small business need to outperform. 

Consider our YouTube recommendation for learning more on how to optimize social media videos

How to optimize social media videos?

  • Keep an eye on analytics: Make sure you are tracking your videos and their analytics. Always try to improve your video’s performance when it’s not giving the desired results. You should also know what social media platform would be beneficial for video production. 
  • Rely on suitable aspect ratio: It is important to follow the aspect ratio of each social media platform for the videos. So that it enhances the user experience. Also, an accurate aspect ratio will also help your audience clearly perceive the video. 
  • Use relevant keywords: Don’t forget to use suitable keywords for your video through thorough keyword research. Now, this also varies from platform to platform.
  • Select a good color scheme: Color scheme also has a great impact on video optimization. Choose colors that go well with your brand’s purpose.
  • Look for an apt social platform: If you want to produce vlogs for your brand then Youtube is the best option. However, for short videos, you can rely on Tiktok (the fastest growing), Facebook, and Instagram. Depending on the content type and duration of your videos, choose a suitable platform to upload videos.
  • Produce videos with no sound: Sound can be a distraction for your audience. Instead of sounds, make sure you are sharing captions. So that it increases their understanding. Also, the brand’s message is easy to convey with soundless videos. 
  • Get an optimized title/description: You should try to place relevant keywords in your video’s title and description. So that your video will appear in the top results thus driving traffic to your social media. 
  • Convince them in five seconds: It sounds scary but convincing your audience in the first few seconds of your video is not impossible. Grab their attention in the beginning so that they can stick to your video till the end. 
  • Make responsive videos: Responsive videos are able to function on cross-devices. Especially on mobile phones, since the majority of the users are on mobiles and love to watch videos on these devices. 
  •  Concise and straightforward videos: Don’t complicate your videos and make it hard for your audience to perceive them. Keep them short, well-described, and straightforward to boost the optimization. 

Avoid These Social Media Video Dont’s For Flawless Videos

When it comes to learning about how to optimize your social media videos, then there are some red signals that you need to keep in mind during the process. 
  • Don’t ignore small audience: While you chase the big audience, don’t forget about the smaller one. Facebook has a huge audience bank all the time but it might not help you with your marketing. Because you need a small amount of audience that truly relates to your brand. Perceives it and is happy to invest in it as well. 
  • Don’t ghost the audience: If your brand is not consistent with the audience, they are not going to like it. Producing videos once a month is a total waste of time. So you need proper content scheduling to avoid such a scenario. Make a team and appoint people to craft content and upload it as per the decided schedule. Or you can use content scheduling tools for this. 
  • Don’t be pushy: Give your audience some time to be converted. During this process, don’t be impatient and crave the results. You don’t want to lose your audience by just stuffing your products and services in their mouths.
  • Don’t crowd websites: It means cutting all the fluff on your website. Try to mention the necessary things. All the stuff that would be of use to your audience is mandatory. It makes website navigation easier for visitors. They become excited to explore your website as well. 
  • Don’t produce extensive videos: Avoid this as much as you can. Always rely on long videos if they are worth it. Other than that, fluff in long videos will bore your audience thus being a downfall for your brand on social media. 

Here's How to Build a FREE but Powerful Video Toolkit

By far you know well about how to optimize videos for social media. In this section, we are going to discuss some powerful tools and software that will expedite the process of video production for you.
  • HitFilm Express: It gives an edge to your videos through its remarkable features. Thus takes your video production to a next level through animation and editing commands. Offers composite shot enhancements, flexible trimmer, audio mixer, and several other options.
  • iMovie: It’s for Mac users. The features of this video editing software will astound you since it has 4K resolution support, animation templates for quick video crafting, phenomenal speed controls, a wide range of video filters, and much more.
  • DaVinci Resolve: The tool gives you a complete outline for video trimming and editing. Facial recognition for easy bin creation. The motion estimation speed changes and controls for setting the video speed.
  • Openshot: It gives a wide range of title card templates to give you some enticing options to choose from. Video effects of Openshot are for enhancing the video appearance. It also helps with animation through its key-frame animation commands.
  • Lightworks: You can rely on Lightworks for subtle speed optimization features. Provides you with fast export to social media. Choose from a variety of video formats. Team project sharing makes collaborating with your team easier on whole.
  Despite this wide range of video editing tools, you can take the support of the personalized editor. Such an editor would streamline the process of video production for you. So that you can deal with bulk production with no sweat. You can also trade-off with its ‘free’ route since several users tend to follow this to procure huge benefits during video production.

Wrapping It Up

The spectrum of opportunities given by video marketing is broad. It contains almost everything a small business can obtain benefits from. All that you need is to work on the basics. Avoid the don’ts and try not to leave any stone unturned when optimizing social media videos. So if you were wondering how to optimize social media videos then here you can all the answers to your queries.

Our team at includes video editing and creating professionals to help you with professional video services at an affordable price. You can book a call with us to discuss your ideas further this instant. Get ready to leave your competitors in the dust and skyrocket your social media presence with us! 


How much time is needed for my social media videos to rank?

It’s not definite. It can take months to even years. However, make sure you have completely optimized your videos to increase the chances to rank.

What is the best way to make my videos go viral?

Craft compelling content by keeping your audience in mind. Relate to them as much as possible. Leave driving CTAs for better conversions.

What is the best video editing software for social media?

Adobe Premiere Rush can be your go-to tool for this purpose. It helps with Youtube videos and offers exceptional editing features for Instagram and TikTok videos.

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