The importance of video in marketing: why you can’t afford to ignore it

The importance of video in marketing. why you can't afford to ignore it

As the world’s technology advances and our lives become more hectic, so do our attention spans. When we wish to acquire new knowledge, we search for videos. The power of video lies in its ability to produce experiences that are easily memorable and thought-provoking, fascinating, and affecting. 

Experiences like these are invaluable tools for brand marketers looking to boost metrics like brand recognition, interest, and, of course, revenue. But you might have your own doubts,

Can video marketing really gain me more customers? 

Is video marketing the best way to promote a certain product or service? 

Your doubts might go to meet their solutions at the end of this article. You may then relax and devote your full attention to creating fascinating and best videos for your brand. So read on!

Table of Contents

Reasons why best videos should be a part of your brand's marketing

To stay ahead of the competition, you need to use every marketing tool at your disposal, and that also includes the best videos linked to your business.

So, here they are,

1. Enhances brand credibility and trust

A brand’s success depends on the trust it earns from its consumers. Marketing with videos can help you gain credibility with your target demographic and position your company as a pioneer in your profession.

Not only can videos deliver information, but they also serve to strengthen bonds between your brand and its intended audience. When you run video campaigns for your products, you show people that you can be trusted despite the fact that many Internet users feel they might become victims of fraud when it comes to believing adverts.

Also, with an efficient video marketing plan, you may introduce your items in a casual, conversational tone rather than coming across as overly promotional.

2. Better justify your product's value to consumers

Is there something brand-new you plan to introduce? 

Creating a video to show how it works is your best bet. Audience will gain a deeper grasp of the product/service and be more receptive to making a purchase if you demonstrate how it functions for them.

But are you trying to clarify a tricky concept? 

Videos, rather than still images, are preferable when trying to explain complex concepts. If you want to give your product idea more of a visual presence, consider animating it. Entertainment, nostalgia, and ease of understanding all come together in animated videos. Indeed, they are effective. Ensure you’re utilizing a method that will actually provide benefits.

3. Boosts sales and conversion rates

If a customer can see the product in action in a video, they are more inclined to buy it. Sites that incorporate videos into their pages see an increase in user retention and page views, as well as an uptick in users’ likelihood to click around the site. 

An 80 % increase in sales is possible just by adding a video presenting your products on the landing page. This function may appeal to those who would rather not read extensive product descriptions. 

Customers’ self-assurance in making a purchase is boosted after watching a video. And that’s why using video marketing is such a surefire way to boost revenue.

So, Get started right this second on producing those exciting new product videos.

4. Essential for search engine optimization

Google also has a soft spot for videos, especially ones hosted on YouTube, and so will your viewers.

More time spent on your site by visitors watching videos is a strong signal to search engines like Google that the content there is worthwhile. With Google’s acquisition of YouTube, the impact that videos can have on search engine rankings has grown exponentially.

Similar to how you would optimize written material for search engines, video content should also be optimized for these platforms. You can increase clicks to your site or sales by including links to titles and descriptions that are interesting to the reader.

5. Facilitates mobile phone users

In 2023, did you realize that there would be roughly 7.33 billion people watching videos on their mobile phones? On top of that, smartphone users are 90% more likely to watch a video every day than desktop users.

The importance of video advertising to entice mobile phone users is highlighted by these figures. More and more people are able to access the internet through their smartphones, increasing the demand for exciting and entertaining videos.

To reach mobile users and solidify your brand’s reputation, your marketing team might benefit from using high-quality video editing tools to produce engaging videos about your company and its products.

6. Uptick your social media game

Buyers are eager to spread the word about the videos they find engaging online. You know the power of TikTok marketing if you’ve ever seen a video explode in popularity after being posted there.

If you make videos that people find interesting and informative, they’ll watch them and maybe even forward them along to their friends. The more widely disseminated your content is, the more exposure it will receive and the more people it will hopefully entice to check out your website.

On the other hand, video marketers in the social media space need to keep in mind that viewers share their feelings, not their knowledge. If a user found a branded video to be amusing, 76 % of them would consider sharing it with their friends. So make some funny, engaging videos to get people to share them online. 

7. Helps you to stay competitive

Marketers now have a crucial tool in the form of online video in their quest to win over and keep the attention of their target audiences.

Video is fantastic for spreading all kinds of messages, and if we consider the contexts, a short, original explainer video can make a huge difference. People’s attention can be easily captured and maintained through your unique storytelling and other forms of media that aren’t typically encountered on an average day.

8. Video Hooks Even Lazy Buyers

Online videos not only serve as an effective schooling aid, but they also take very little effort on the viewer’s part to take in. Today’s hectic lifestyle leaves little room for in-depth research into products and services. Customers in the modern day are more likely to buy after witnessing the product in action. 

There are many compelling reasons to incorporate video into your content marketing strategy, but one of the most crucial is consumer preference. Using videos for marketing allows you to reach a huge segment and is effective on multiple fronts, including the most lazy of them. Just be mindful of appealing to the customer’s sense of hearing as well as vision.

9. Best videos boost intent to purchase

Marketing funnels can be aided by using videos at key points. Conversion rates are the true measure of a marketing campaign’s success. Hence, if customers are purchasing your goods, then your advertising is successful.

Seeing a product shown on video can increase the desire to make a buy by 82 %, according to one survey. Another survey found that 73 % of customers were influenced to make a purchase decision after viewing a sponsored video.

What's the use of reading this if watching a video would be more efficient?

Even if you read this entire article, you may still be scratching your head. There is no doubt in your mind that video is superior, but you continue to read about it instead of seeing it. Yes, you make a valid point. 

Now, for the part, we haven’t covered yet. A resounding “yes,” video is extremely efficient. There is no doubt that video content creation should play an important role in your advertising efforts.

But there are other ways to market that are also helpful. Text-based marketing works well with video. The same is true for infographics, images, gifs, and all the other tools out there. But if we had to bet on where your marketing budget would do the most good, we’d put all our bits on video. 

In a nutshell

In conclusion, you have an in-depth understanding of how marketing can benefit from video content creation. Marketing more video material equals more potential to expand your firm, and you don’t need to be a video production expert to realize this. But, it is not a simple undertaking to create interesting, quality content; it requires time and effort.

If you’d prefer not to take on the challenge on your own, though, your best bet is to hire video content creators. They will show you the best way to achieve your desired outcomes through video content creation. What’s important is that you figure out a more effective method of communicating your point. 

Here at we handle everything related to your video’s production, so you don’t have to. Choose a time and day that is convenient for you, depending on your schedule. We would be happy to elaborate on the many reasons why we are a great match for one another.


How can marketing the best videos get more people to watch them?

A steady increase in traffic might result from posting instructional videos, product demonstrations, customer testimonials, and other content that addresses frequently asked questions from your target audience. 

TIP: Before you publish, think about what others could be looking for. If you want people actually to watch your video, you should use keywords in the title and description.

Will using videos actually help to expand clientele?

With the rise of social media platforms, video content marketing has become an increasingly effective strategy. In reality, social videos get a lot more attention than regular social media posts like text and pictures.

Which types of videos typically do well for businesses?

There is a long list of videos that have the potential to give businesses a boost. Here, the thing that matters the most is quality. 

You can check out our detailed article on “The Different Types Of Video Content You Can Create For Your Business” to know the in-depth answer to this question.

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